Selasa, 26 Maret 2013




NPM : 25210508

^ Some people say that computers havemade life easier and conviniens. Other people say that computers have made life more complex and stressful. 

The need for computers is very useful for all of us, in addition to the need to type, you can also use your computer for other needs, such as business, listening to music, bersosial, surfing, and still many uses computers in helping our purposes.Electronic devices are more and more present in a house usually make the owner more easy and relaxed His life, More Productive and Efisein time she had.In the Information Age in 2013, the Computer and the Internet has a tremendous influence, via the internet we can find a lot of information that we need, it is access to knowledge becomes very easy, just sitting at home, turn on your computer, connect to the Internet and you can access the knowledge you need from millions of sources that have been provided by millions of people around the world. Electronic devices make human life better, easier and more fun. the future will be more and more Electronic devices that will facilitate our lives, take advantage of your time at best, little things to fill your Electronic Devices.In conclusion, Electronic devices have become an important part of human life. Electronic devices make human life more easily, quickly and effectively.The gains and losses on the computer:advantages are:1. Computers never tired (maybe if it's too hot to be damaged), so never tired to continue to sleep2 It has high speed and accuracy in work function3 It has a compact storage medium and large capacity, AnD the last ....4 Able to process large amounts of data and,5 Can create new job opportunities as a computer expert. so bs also reduce crime.while the disadvantages are:1 People increasingly depend on the help of computers,2 Reduced workforce due to work being replaced by a computer,3 Computer do the work in accordance with the commandments of men, when there is an error, computer error is still working.

Minggu, 17 Maret 2013


CLASS             : 3EB03
NPM                : 25210508

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Class (marks) encourage students to learn. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

I agree with the statement that the value of encouraging students to learn. Due to the good value may encourage students to maintain and, if its value is less than satisfactory students will study harder.

But, in fact the school is not just for getting good grades alone, but how one is able to understand the subject matter provided without bound frills 'value'. For this reason gives the freedom for students to express themselves, freely dispense with the idea of ​​a different perspective in addressing issues in their lessons. They will learn on their own to understand something to learn from their experiences, and the unencumbered value frills' bad 'and' good