Selasa, 02 April 2013


KELAS           : 3EB03
NPM               : 25210508

*Should governments spend more money on improving roads or round and have the government spend more money on improving public transportation (buses, trains, subways)? why? use specific reasons and details to develop your essay.

Because Indonesia has so much debt to other countries. So, as a result of money the government is just used to repay the debt only. And to increase public transport such as (bus, train, subway) should be made as public transport such as buses in Indonesia have been unsuitable to be replaced with new buses because it could harm the public. So is the train must be added again because the circuit is now very crowded when the train ride, and do not need to make the subway because it will be a waste of government money alone, the subway is not very important and will only make the country more and more debt .

The sense of Budget Policy, namely:
Fiscal Policy / Political Budget
Total expenditure "budget" (Budget in Indonesia) is always equal to the total revenue. In accounting terms this "budget" is always balanced (balanced budget). In economic terms "budget" can deficit, surplus or balanced.

There are three different understandings of the meaning of deficit, surplus and "budget" balanced:
1. Budget Deficit (Budget Deficit) / Expansionary Fiscal Policy, is the policy of the government to make expenditures greater than income countries to provide stimulus to the economy. Generally very good to use if economic circumstances were recessive.
2. Budget Surplus (Budget Surplus) / contractionary fiscal policy, is the policy of the government to make greater revenues than expenditures. It would be better implemented when politics budget surplus on the condition that the expansion of the economy that began to heat (overheating) to decrease the demand pressure
3. Balanced Budget (Balanced Budget), occurs when the government sets as large as the revenue expenditure.

2 komentar:

  1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  2. it's not related with the question, and also not cohesive between paragraph.
